Dec 8, 2021
Host, Dr. Catherine Cerulli, a professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester, is joined by her guest, Elaine Spaull, Executive Director of The Center for Youth in Rochester, New York, to discuss the Center’s work as they care for youth and families. Center staff supports clients in troubled situations due to issues such as abuse, neglect, and homelessness, and aids them in repairing their lives by building trust. Often, the result is long lasting relationships with staff and leadership. The Center offers emergency babysitting service for parents and caregivers through their Crisis Nursery, short-term housing for youth 12 years and older who are in unsafe living situations, and transitional housing for older youth who can live independently. Highlighted are real life stories of people who have faced trauma that led them to seek support from the Center. Also discussed throughout the episode is how trauma and neglect in childhood can affect people into adulthood.