Oct 6, 2020
Host, Dr. Catherine Cerulli, a professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester, is joined by her guest, Dr. Shaun Nelms, to talk about how schools can build resiliency in youth and grow partnerships with families and community-based agencies. By meeting the youth’s basic needs, we can improve health, prevent child abuse and neglect, and break intergenerational trajectories of poverty and violence. Dr. Nelms is the superintendent of East Upper and Lower Schools, a unique partnership between the New York State Education Department, Rochester City School District, and University of Rochester, where he is charged with creating a replicable school reform model that can transform the way we think about schools as centers for public health promotion. Please check out the following links from Dr. Nelms:
Adverse Childhood Experiences: https://www.rochester.edu/warner/cues/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/PYRCH-Year-Three-Summary.8.28.19.pdf
Family Group/Restorative Practices: https://www.rochester.edu/warner/cues/restorative-practices/
Bullying: https://www.rochester.edu/warner/cues/bullying/
Transforming East: https://youtu.be/hmqSKpNbN5s
Family and Community Engagement:
Sound engineering and music by Joe Hagen. (Recorded August