Jan 26, 2021
Host, Dr. Catherine Cerulli, a professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester, is joined by her guest, Eileen Whitney, to discuss how children and families are supported in a court based daycare program and the barriers they face. Speaking from her own experience as the director of the Monroe County Family Court Children's Center at the Hall of Justice in Rochester, NY and as a foster mom to over 45 children throughout the years, eight of which she adopted, Eileen speaks about the work the Children's Center is conducting to help at-risk kids and their families who are involved in the court system. The Center provides childcare to parents and guardians when they have court dates so they are able to attend proceedings and serves as a connection point for families to find medical and human services they need. Eileen also discusses her life-long passion of being a foster mom, how foster care benefits children, and the joy it brings. Eileen's overarching message is that parents love and want to care for their children, but poverty and coping mechanisms often times get in the way of them being able to fully take care of their children.
Sound engineering and music by Joe Hagen. (Recorded August 2020)